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Saturday, 27 July 2013

A Hat-Tip To Heroes Of "Yours Truly"

My Dear Readers,

I have reached a 1000 pageviews and what I noticed is that it isn't about the pageviews anymore. It is about writing my thoughts and emotions and also being up to the mark for my loyal readers who have truly stuck it out with me! So here is to another 1000 followed by another!

But being very honest, the real heroes are you dear Readers.  But there have been a few specific people who have encouraged me to keep going. Without whom this would be just another anonymous blog on the internet to be read by few and recognized by none. These people's contribution to the blog has been far beyond content and words. Theirs has been the role of motivator and inspiration. Here is a tribute to them.

I started out as an angry young man
Plagued with frustrations, nowhere to vent
The concept of a blog dawned on me
And thus began "Yours Truly,".

A random rant here and there
The occasional thought put down
My name wasn't associated with them
This crap, none should know is mine

I don't know what changed
I had the urge to share these private grumblings
Another one who wrote some killer stuff
Ayesha, thank you for the push to go public, Ma'am.

Then came time to post on Facebook
The time to know if my incoherent talk could garner interest and appreciation
Among the ones who really knew what good writing was
And with that Special One too.

The reaction to it was like being hit by a truck
The good kind though that makes you high
Positive feedback flooding in
Hoover dam wouldn't be able to hold back this nectar to my ears.

Special mention to Minny, my little sister
That sweet Facebook message was my pride for that entire week
And to Palak, you crazy medical aspirant
thanks for your constant encouragement but Commerce still kicks ass!

Writers I have known many
Few of the caliber of my first corroborator, Meghana
A person who recognized not my mere words but the emotion they enshrined
"Insecurities" was all your work and thank you I cannot enough.

The numerous others who I cannot recall due to my weak memory
My gratitude toward you all is immense and deep
If not for the frequent feedback, encouragement, charges of being sexist,
My memory of the blog too would have been foggy.

My topics I chose were the ones that were staring me in the face
Ones I thought were the obvious "elephants in the room"
But down the road you the Heroes please step in and guide me
Writer's block has been known to be fatal, you know.

Continue I sure will, onward and upward
Know not where I am going to land but the journey begins here
But if ever I end up with my life remotely resembling success
I thank thee, My Heroes.

And there ends another of my pathetic attempts at poetry. The sentiments expressed though are sincere. i think I will get too emotional if I continue. So till next time, Auf Wiedersehen
Yours Truly,

Saturday, 20 July 2013

An Ode to Poverty

Dear Readers,

I usually rant in prose but I've decided to give poetry a try. Let me clarify up front that this poem doesn't rhyme. But my intention was to make it emotional. Hence in the flow, I didn't bother with punctuation, for which I apologize right now. This being my first attempt at poetry, I beseech you all to give me feedback on it.

A poor child lives his life
dreaming of the city lights
all the while in his heart
his dreams of being the guy
who drives by the slums
with those pitying eyes.

Oh the misery of the slum
the fight for survival
food isn't easy to come by
a diet is maintained not by choice
the growl of his stomach
now a familiar sound.

He spends his days daydreaming
education he hasn't known
the meager wages for his work
the heavy, manual kind
proud he would be of his slim body
if only he knew that it mattered.

The bin nearby he scavenges
his treats, the waste scorned on
by those with plenty
his heart fills with scorn
for these wasteful fools
Abusing the plenty that they have

Back his mind is drawn to food
the lack of it in his case
he wants to satiate the monster
that resides in his belly
never does it seem to have enough
never it ever has

He has known the existence of satisfaction
on the countenance of the rich
possess they do
all that he desires
a roof over his head
a square meal a day

Education he knows nothing of
its simply a rich people's thing
here in the slum that counts for naught
the only knowledge that matters
is how you will fill your stomach
and not get killed or jailed in doing so.

The most he can hope to achieve
is to be a sidekick to the local ruffian
he seems to be the best fed around
his stomach growls again
its an apt reminder and testament
that birth played a cruel joke on him.

His mother died giving birth
to the fourth mouth to feed
in his little hut
the alcoholic that his father is
knows not even the names
of the kids he fathered

In his gut he knows even now
his life isn't destined for greatness
a stomach filled
a house to live in
that's his dream
An Ode To Poverty

Hope you liked it! More importantly I hope it illicited a little emotion. Hope to hear from you guys.

Yours Truly,

Friday, 19 July 2013

Football. The Game of.

Dear Readers,

Most girls never get the special affection we men have for football.

"Not just do they roll around in the muck, sweating like pigs and chasing that stupid ball for no reason; But these silly boys stay awake late to watch other jobless guys do the same on TV"
A variation or part of this statement has been uttered by all women at some point in time. (Don't lie girls. The truth is in the open now)

But guys, they won't get it even if we break it down to them. Not because they lack the intellect to understand it; rather because what we feel about football is not rational in the first place. The Mind of a football fan is common to find but difficult to understand. What attracts us to this sport of kicking around a ball towards opposing ends of a field for no reason? What attracts us to watching other guys doing the same thing in another country on the TV?

Well, Life and the best it holds never tend to be rational! Women, kindly explain the rationale behind gossip and window shopping? Isn't gossip a mere relaying on hearsay that we cannot even rely on being true? Isn't window shopping a waste of time, downright? But yet women will love their daily dose of gossip and window shop the crap out of Zara?

Sure there are the girls who play football too. The ones who are as much a football fan as you could hope to find. And there are the guys who, I have a suspicion, have had an estrogen infusion. The ones who do not play football during the P.T. period and opting to sit out and gossip.

But still I haven't gotten into the mind of the Football fan.

The appeal of Football lies in its simplicity. It reminds us that life is not only complex bullcrap. Chasing the simply joys, that's the good life. Football is perhaps the cheapest sport and the one with the least requirements. (Just call you friends and ask them to get the ball). The need for officiating is minimal. The violence is automatically regulated because as soon as it gets violent, the game mostly ends because somebody ends up hurting the sentiments of the owner of the ball! The competition just among friends is so palpable and yet after the game these same guys who wanted to "bajao" the ball into each others face are now laughing and fooling! The stupidity of the ball going into the gutter (Flashback to "The Revolution Is Often Incomplete") is followed by the ingenuity of getting it out. Football is just a great release.

But Supporting our respective Clubs and adopted Countries is a totally different matter. (Notice how I tend to refer to the club like I'm a part of it? We tend to do that)

The Clubs we support are chosen not by us but a force we have no control over. I started supporting Manchester United as soon as I heard the name back in 2006. I didn't know that this was a major club with some of the best players and a prestigious history. The name. That was all I needed to fall in love with Man Utd. And the same can be said for nearly all fellow football fans.

The Clubs we support take on a near divine standing in our lives and our devotion to them has religious overtones. Every match is like our weekly mass and every player in our club is a man sent by God. Every word against our club is blasphemy and must be vehemently argued to the last bit! Even if we have no case, we argue it like there's no tomorrow. ( Liverpool fans, that is actually true about you'll not having a tomorrow only a rosy yesterdacade! ) But why do we do all this? Because it gives us a sense of being a part of something larger than ourselves. Somewhere we belong. Clubs are a constant in an everchanging world. Sure the players change. The manager changes (quite often for some clubs) ( *cough* Chelsea *cough*). But the constant is the club is always there. Through thick and thin. Relegation or Championship. All it asks for is loyalty. And the choice of which Country you support just follows club preference. (I wonder how many kids outside India can name even a single Indian club or player..)

But the Football Fan will never lose hope for Indian Football......... JUST KIDDING! Its very unlikely we will ever make it.
So till then the English and Spanish and Italian and Brazilian guys will keep us entertained! (Special Mention to Portugal. CR7 <3)

Here I rest.
Yours Truly, 

Monday, 15 July 2013

My Opinion on Corruption

Dear Readers,

"Sir, Please help us sir! My son has not got the highest but it is good percentage, sir. But why no seat in your college sir?"
He gets the following reply~
"Whaat to do sa'ab? Seats are a few but students are so many! I would love to help but..."
The father is desperate for a quick end to the admission agony (Every college student knows about this particular torture!)~
"Please sir! Just tell me what I need to do."
The reply is as expected~
"Now how to tell you sir.. The College needs little money for renovation.. If you are willing to donate a little, maybe a seat might open up"

The rest is very obvious to guess isn't it?

When we think of corruption it is so very easy to preach that we are the ones fueling the monster of corruption. We are the ones making the greed well up in officials with power. The offer for the bride does need a giver after all, doesn't it? The Official did not bribe himself, now did he?

But is it this cut and dried? Is it so easy to curb the demand side of corruption? (High five to the Commerce kids who understood that!) Is it so easy to resist offering a bribe and getting into the college of your choice? Or getting your passport done a week early? Or have your paperwork pushed through the bureaucracy of the Indian governments lax system that works slower than a snail?

In my opinion, I ( or Anybody having a need) am justified in giving a bribe!

Before you start with the "Need to resist/Integrity of the citizen/Being the Cause" speech, let me give you my reasoning behind that statement.
We have a screwed up system in place with regards to governance and administration. Nobody can dispute that. (People on the government's payroll do not count!) We know for a fact that if we go to a government office, our papers will get stuck on "some desk" along the way to completion and a Twenty Rupee note is needed to budge it the off the table to the next. On the other hand if you don't, you will be made to wait forever. Its simple logic. Time is money. Twenty Rupees are not worth 2 hours. Spend the note, spare the hour.

The expectation that people will not give bribes is delusional unless the system is changed. Unless I know for a fact that I will be judged purely on merit and not on my father's name, I will be left with no choice but to buy a seat.

The government is obligated to bring about the change. The people of the Nation need to push for better accountability so that we do not have to rely on money but our own potential and abilities. This change can be the Lokpal Bill. Or it could be a new government. But it is the need of the hour.
Yours Truly, 

Saturday, 13 July 2013

The Unknown Triumph of Prevention

Greetings Dear Readers,

When we think about success the images in our minds are often of fame and glory. Money and wealth. That is the definition of success in our minds! (In light of our education system, I'm surprised we have some kind of definition in our minds!) But the often underrated aspect of success which  is the most important, the path to success. We often simply let this crucial part out of our minds. (This, is thanks to education system)

Considering that we are trained to see only the sensationalized pieces of news, we tend to filter information that come our way into broad categories some of which are ~ "Someone died! :O" ; "Someone embezzled money! :@" ; "an important measure to protect us but  I don't care, because its ultimately a conspiracy to take away my money from me!" . Our views and opinions on issues are based simply on how the media portrays them.

I'm sure many of use have heard Russell Peters at some point. (Hilarious guy, he is) But there is this one piece where he talks about the media's misrepresentation of Arabs. He talks about how, whenever the media talks about Arabs they follow it up with a violent image (Boom Bang Kapow!) hence making our minds link Arabs and violent behavior. (Which is exactly what you think about Arabs, don't you?)

Truth be told we cannot comprehend the idea of prevention as well. Let me illustrate with an example.

Let us assume that a couple of days prior to the attacks of 11th September 2001, we had a small town-bred  US Senator with Presidential aspiration who manages to get a Bill passed making cockpit security even more stringent. (This would prevent the terrorists from hijacking the planes and redirecting them toward the World Trade Center) Since the attacks wouldn't take place we would never realize how crucial this Bill would have been!
Not only would he not be appreciated enough, he might have even got penalized for his brilliant work! This measure would cost the aviation industry quite a bit of cash implementing the measures and this in turn would cause him to have have enemies in influential places. His Presidential aspiration might as well get tanked.

A Hero is not even recognized!

We have the same issue with insurance. We buy insurance and at the end of the term we are like,"Damn! Nothing happened! What a waste of money!" (It happens the other way round too,"The damn place got robbed because I got it insured! What a waste of money!)

We have no clue about the variables that control our lives (We probably know about our favorite celebrities' wardrobe, than we know of our own lives!) and yet we actively protest steps to mitigate risk. We have taught our kids that "Prevention is better that Cure" and yet our entire economies are ticking time bombs waiting to blow up in our faces, mostly due to lack of regulations! Our sense of security we hold so dear, and yet we curse the government going through our emails trying to prevent the next terror attack.

Our logic is skewed beyond reason. It ceases to be logic and turns into aimless rebellion.

There ends my rant.
Yours Truly,

Wednesday, 10 July 2013

"Things We Control" Part 2

Greetings Readers,

I want to present to you further analysis to a previous piece of mine titled "Things We Control". To those who haven't read it I will give you'll a gist of it.

"Things We Control" was about how we overestimate your own attempts to control our lives. It further proposed that we are given direction to lives by random events like our birth, and are just pushed along by a mixture of time and place. A logical inference made from this was that your decisions are inconsequential. I think that I should further highlight this aspect of the topic as it is very debatable.

A very strong defense to this misunderstanding that our decisions don't mean anything in the "bigger picture". In fact, common consensus is that single events are often of no consequence to our lives. What difference does it make if you chose Science or Commerce after the 10th grade? (If you chose Commerce, High Five!) Does my involvement in the Fight Against Corruption really matter? (They didn't really accomplish much anyway, did they?) Does my vote in a local election matter? (Since all candidates are equally screwed in the head)

If you closely analyse your own lives a realization comes forth. One person's decision is very important but it holds more power when it is put into the context of the decisions of the people around him/her.

Lets begin with our career choices. Our decisions are based on our abilities and job requirements, etc. But we rarely take into account the number of existing and projected professionals in the same career. Simple logic. More competition there is in a field, the harder it is to make it in that field. The current fashionable choice is management. We have people flocking to do courses like BMS. But 5 years down the line there is going to be a number of Management graduates but a limited number of management jobs. Sure these graduates are smart enough to adapt but why do a course if you know that it will be difficult down the line? (This is not to say that Management is not a good choice, I have kept it as a choice too, but merely to highlight that the herd mentality is at play here and our own control has been lost)

Next I move on to social causes like the Lokpal movement. The initial responses to this movement was overwhelming. But when they decided to move the movement to Mumbai, it went limp. In August at the height of the movement the attendance at Mumbai gathering were really high but a mere 4  months later we have a loss of interest with attendances not even 10,000. What happened here? Did people lose interest? (Honestly, the stunt that Ramdev dude pulled at Ramlila maidan in Delhi really put me off the whole thing) Were people scared of the government? (In the sort of "Let's Make The Change" attitude in the air at the time I don't think this was an issue) I think people got too frustrated with the lack of actual difference the Movement made. We couldn't bear to see our attempts at controlling the government bringing little to no effect! This time, "Control" was a mass illusion.

Talking about our right (and duty) to vote, that is the closest to actual control we can have when it comes to our government! That's all I have to say on that for now.

To further emphasis, let me introduce you to the concept of "Alternate Histories". Imagine at every point in your life where there was a decision involving multiple viable options, the world split into as many universes where all possible possible options play out. Basically, there are parallel universes where your life is panned out totally different just because one choice you made was done differently. I think I've spoken enough for now and will further propound on this in a later piece.

For now I take your leave, dear readers and hope to have you'll grace this little blog again soon.
Yours Truly,

Monday, 8 July 2013

The Revolution Is Often Incomplete

Greetings Readers,

This Sunday I was playing Football with a couple of friends and the ball went in the gutter. After a rescue operation of the likes seen in "Black Hawk Down" we managed to get the ball out. Needless to say it was still filthy. So we had to get it washed out. Our solution? Roll it around in almost equally mucky water on the road!

Often we are quick to realize that there is a need for change. The need to clean our footballs that have fallen into the gutters of the world. But with what do we clean our balls (That was not intended!)

 The revolution is always simmering on the back burner ready to boil over. We know when its time to replace the old with the new because it has outlived its utility. But an often under reflected aspect of any revolution is "The Replacement"/"The Aftermath"

Lets take a reflective example. Imagine a coffee stain on the table in your house (All women- I know your tables are always clean. Please Imagine) Now the first thought in your head is not "Let me find a 'CLEAN' cloth to wipe this". You think, "I need a cloth". The cleansing element is very rarely examined.

You see, we often rush to make the change but never consider what will take us in the right direction I can provide you a number of examples but I will satiate my excitement by providing you just two.

The first is very recent. In 2011, the regime of Hosni Mubarak was overthrown in Egypt.

The causes were pretty obvious. The people were suffering at the hands of a corrupt and inefficient government. A revolution happened (Shit got real) and "Mubarak Ka Shok Ho Gaya" (Hindi wordplay. Indian in me couldn't resist) He was replaced by the 'democratically elected' Islamist Mohamed Morsi.

He led Egypt to a golden age of prosperity and growth and stability. Oh wait! That is not what happened!

 If anything the situation went from bad to worse! Economic stagnation and recession, Increase in poverty and malnutrition, led people with no choice but to protest again (within a space of merely 2 years). Another overthrow has taken place and Egypt is currently in a sort of political limbo.

The second example is from the Age of Revolutions, to be more concise, The French Revolution. The great reforming agent of the modern era. It is the turning point in history that actually brought the people to power. But what was among its numerous aftermaths?

After the Revolution the control of the Committee of Public Safety passed to Maximilien Robespierre (Who was your average blood thirsty sadist with a special liking for the thud of severed heads) He executed about 16,500 by guillotine and another 25.000 in summary executions throughout France. All this on the accusations of "anti-revolutionary" actions.  (Not being involved in the revolution was reason enough) This period in the Revolution came to be known as "The Reign of Terror".

 This is a quote by the man himself, Robespierre ~
 "Terror is nothing else than justice, prompt, severe, inflexible."
This Reign on Terror ultimately ended with Robbie having his own head rolled (guillotined, cut of, severed, I've run out of verbs!) by his fellow reformers who found him to be a little to extreme (I wonder what made them arrive at this conclusion?)

In conclusion,
"The Replacement is more important than the Revolution by itself"  
On that note I bid thee adieu!
Yours Truly, 

Sunday, 7 July 2013

Love. (The stuff in Movies)

Greetings Dear Readers,

We often wonder how little kids in the 7th and the 8th grade are "dating" these days. (I wonder what their "relationships" even entail) I often wonder if these kids are taught this crap at school. (Ok that couldn't happen at my Alma Mater. We cannot spare time from football and bunking at school) Where did the innocence like that from the pic below  disappear?

So where do these kids get the idea of dating when they have not even hit puberty properly! These kids are not sexually motivated. (I sure hope they are not.) The only true love in their lives is for their Parents. (For me BeyBlades and Cartoon Network came a close second) The opposite sex at this point is not an object of admiration but rather of scorn. Girls couldn't stand guys and the guys hated the girls with the same vigor when I was a kid. Girls were pretty low on our To-Do list (Pun intended)(Girls, stop rolling your eyes)

So what changed from our times of angelic innocence (we were naughty but innocent) to this time of... well lack of it!

The obvious answer is the amount of sexually charged imagery around them. Now its not like we did not have romantic stuff in our childhood. But in our days one kiss at the end of the movie was a huge scandal to us! That's how our minds worked! Kisses were "Eeeewwwww...!!!" (If you weren't this kind of kid, I have a fair idea what sort of movies you were into) But how has our cinema reached here?

There is a feeling that if a movie in our times doesn't contain some kind of racy, sexy sub-theme it will not run successfully. Think about it, how many songs can you recall that are not about love or lust or sex? How the hell do we expect kids to not pick up on these things? We never seem to think of this as a huge leap because our cinema disintegrated gradually.

We started out (in the Black an White Era) with female actresses not showing a square inch of skin (And yet managing to captivate viewers with their charm). These "heroines" refused to even touch male actors. Steamy  scenes were out of the question but the romance was very much alive! This was followed by the age of Western influence on Indian Cinema but it was still in control. The dresses were colorful and fashionable (for that time. Women these days would puke) and yet retained a sense of dignity. A little touching was allowed but it was cute but really sexually charged. In fact, leading heroines refused to do item songs which led to the rise of "Item Girls" (I can almost hear the guys thanking God for this). And then we had a shift to the absolute commercialization of movies, where directors and producers willingly sacrificed the art aspect of film making to  gain a few extra bucks by having the female actresses shed extra clothes on screen and have a couple of sex scenes that do not have anything too do with the story.

I'm not saying that our movie industry has transformed into the pornography industry. All I'm saying is that this is not what good Cinema is. It gets REALLY uncomfortable trying to watch a movie on the TV with your parents these days because the number and  intensity (I'm not really sure that is the right word) of the scenes is anyone's guess.

In conclusion, I feel that it's high time we tone down the sex in our movies and let kids enjoy the innocence we once enjoyed ourselves.

Just a reminder to you folks. The android app version of this blog is now on the Google Play store. Search for "Yours Truly".

Yours Truly,

Friday, 5 July 2013


Dear Readers,
Over the course of my life I never had the pleasure of having met a person like Meghana Kamat. I have known her for not even a month but she possesses the exact same insecurities as Yours Truly. I was fascinated by how much better than me she was able to voice out these "irrational fears". After a Facebook chat that really made my day (Not just day, my entire month!), I convinced her to contribute in her most articulate manner to my humble little blog. Thank fully she agreed and here, I present to, you my first collaboration piece. Hope you guys enjoy it and please use the contact form on the side to let me know how you felt about it.

We all have insecurities, emotional ones, and sometimes, they're really hard to hide. Sometimes, you're afraid of rejection, of being lonely. Sometimes, it’s the fear of being laughed at, of being dismissed as inconsequential, as a joke. Sometimes it’s the deep abiding fear of being less than everyone else, of being inferior to those around you. And the worst part is you know yourself that these insecurities are REALLY stupid but they still find a way to be your biggest concern. You have friends, but sometimes they don't understand you, and think of your fears as random bouts of silliness, or a case of passing morbidity. This incomprehension.. this feeling of not being understood.. really hurts, especially when you try to explain to them why you're so upset, why you feel estranged and out of place. You feel as though you'll never fit in, and that no one will ever accept you. No amount of effort on your part seems to convert your emotions into something they will understand. When you see your friends, peers or acquaintances being so very compatible with their social contacts, sharing everything, from their innermost secrets to random acts of stupidity, everything of both consequence and in-consequence (and everything in between)  You wish that you were a part of it, that you could do the same. Are you asking for too much? Have you changed? Or have they?  But when you find yourself unable to function on the same social level as everyone else, you come to the conclusion that something is wrong with you. The majority of the world can fit in with each other, so that means, if you're the minority, some screw is loose in your head or in your heart  It's all your fault. You can't blame people for not understanding you when there is obviously some mistake in your own genetic code. This leads to rifts in what were once tight friendships, schisms in old groups, except for the fact the line is drawn between you and the rest, instead of "Us against the World". You suddenly are not part of an "Us". You see your friends being happy, and you're jealous. Jealous, not of their achievements and abilities. You still love them the way you did before. The jealousy is of how they make their social interactions seem so effortless.  But then you're ashamed of yourself for even simply feeling such a blasphemous emotion and draw away from the world so that they're not tainted by your corrupt nature. You are almost afraid that the might read your mind and be disgusted by your pathetic borderline narcissistic thoughts  You really want to have people notice the crap you are having to endure but you don't know how to get it across. You dream up situations, create scenarios in your mind that will create the perfect set up for you to paint a vivid picture of the highly volatile nature of your feelings.  You do everything keeping in mind that someone is watching. You conduct yourself in such a way that someone will notice, will realize something's up, ask you what's wrong, and then you play out the entire scene. Something will happen, you'll respond, the other person will react, and the entire scene unfolds perfectly (down to the direction of the wind and the exact temperature)  But they never pan out exactly, Ever. Never. The perfect outcome only happens when it happens in your head. These feelings are not true, never have been and never will be. And you know that these thoughts are indicative of attention seeking problems, of inferiority complexes. Events that prove these thoughts knock you into a never ending, ever tightening spiral of self loathing and misery. You feel that you must be a good person because you realize that the disgusting and involuntary thoughts of jealousy and anger are wrong, but then, because you notice it, you start making judgments on yourself from it and that always end with the realization that you must again be a terrible person. However, the fact that you even got yourself to concede that you are a horrible person again makes you good, and so on, in an everlasting circle of confusion. 

This, dear readers, is the world a person ridden with insecurities lives in. And the insecure individual often isn't able to express himself in a manner as articulate as this.(Yet it might not do complete justice to the darkness that are insecurities of our fragile personalities)

I would especially encourage feedback on this piece as I recognize this is a little different from what I usually do. And a HUGE shout out to Meghana who is the one who wrote nearly all of this piece (that I hold very dear). Yours Truly is very indebted.

Also I have an announcement to make. A friend of mine, Nathan Neal Dmello (Who has a solution for all problems related to the computer) has very generously made an android app for this humble little blog. It is on the Android market and you can use the following link to it~
Or search for "Yours Truly". Any Feedback, queries or even rants are welcome. Use the contact form.

Till I write again.
Yours Truly

Thursday, 4 July 2013

The Need To Care (give a F#@*)

Dear Readers,

What makes us human? Apart from our ability to cause destruction and be among the few species who know more about killing than about giving life.
Well in my opinion one of the leading factors that makes us human is our ability to Care. (In more present terms our ability to "Give a damn/F###") We are known as a "Social Species". We are the species who managed to come together and conquer Nature and have stamped our authority on the planet despite being a relatively younger species.

But are we losing this trait of humanity? Are we becoming less Human?

To be honest, it is very difficult to care in this modern day and age. The helplessness of situations we see each day of our lives has desensitized us to these horrid scenes. Poverty is just another aspect of the nation we have come to expect wherever we go. (We are prepared with a 2 Rupee coin as soon as we stop at a traffic signal that you know beggers frequent!) We take corruption for granted because it easier to pay 10 grand under the table, than spend our precious time and money on this lost cause. (We will support an Anna Hazare and the Lokpal Movement  from the comfort of our homes and give our valuable opinions and ideas to him through our television sets)

But this piece is not on such issues that will take a larger movement to tackle. My views are about smaller things. My concern is that we have stopped caring in our relations with the people in society around us. We don't care about national issues because we cannot (or feel that we cannot) make a change on that front.
 But what about the reduction in social contact and the evaporation of politeness from our personalities?
What about the amount of useless attitude we throw around (and we do it without even knowing it sometimes)?

Why have we reached this point? What changed from a time in the past where people had cool stuff like "Manners" and "Concerns" and "BeyBlades"... Oh sorry! We have shifted from a social structure that involved a lot of personal contact to a social structure that has almost no personal contact! We shifted from social meetings, telephonic conversations, handwritten letters to text messages and emails that do not have as much personal contact. We just don't have the time. We have studies and work.

Sure, memes like these..

..May give you a laugh but give a thought to the scarcity of "F###s" in the world. We really should try to increase the world supplies of this rare commodity of "F###s" Because we will in the near future reach a point in time when you would want one yourself, but not have any offered to you.

So that's my rant for today. Goodbye till my next piece. 
Yours Truly, 

Tuesday, 2 July 2013

Do We Really Want To Know What They Are Up To?


Often I hear panelists on TV demanding absolute transparency into the works of the government. The Nation seems to want to know what is the next conspiracy the Government is hatching to keep the cool stuff off public domain (Cool stuff like Who killed JFK?; Did we REALLY land on the Moon?What was really found at Roswell? What is the Secret of Victoria's? Where is the Chamber of Secrets? Is Karan Johar straight?). The list of conspiracy theories will never end!

But where did this begin? What made the Government have a secretive approach to some aspects of its duties? Are they justified? I'm not really an expert on it but I have one view to justify the governments right to a certain amount of secrecy in its operation. Let me give you an example from my world of economics.

Imagine a bank has a few investments which go south (suffered losses) and they need a bailout to salvage their market existence. So they approach the Central Bank(which is basically an extension of the government)  and ask for a bailout package. One of the first conditions put for it is that the bailout be a secret.

Why keep it a secret? Shouldn't the depositors of the bank know what's happening? Do they not deserve to know their money is in trouble?

Let me introduce you to the term Bank Run. When people who have deposited money in particular bank, have reason to believe that the bank is going bankrupt, all of them rush together to withdraw their money. So basically if the bank was having just a minor credit issue, it will now face full blown bankruptcy!(Utter and Total!)

Loss of the depositors' faith in the bank only causes it to lose the rest of its meager cash reserves and will end up putting it out of business, taking down with it the confidence of the market. In this case, the leaking of the Bailout news screwed the economy over. Just an economic issue that most people didn't even understand, caused them to cause an economic fallout that affected them adversely!

Now imagine the reaction people would have to the news of the existence of extraterrestrial beings? They would totally lose it. People would try to stockpile and people would run helter skelter. Law and Order (Not that TV show folks!) would be a thing of the past (very much like that show!) Anarchy would be the order of the day, without doubt! And you still want to know?! 

So basically when you get all titillated hearing of exciting conspiracy theories the best course of action is...

Everything isn't a conspiracy and trying to fabricate one (though entertaining) is not the solution. Conspiracy (worldwide ones where we stand to die) are best enjoyed in our favorite novels.

That's all for now folks! Till next time, Cheerio!
Yours Truly,

Monday, 1 July 2013

"Experts" Are High, Stupid or Scamming Us

Greetings Esteemed Reader,

I'm just going to keep going on with this flow I'm in these days. This is something I've noticed in TV commercials and got me thinking. I'm sure some really smart guy has already done a more correct study but I'm going to put down my flawed self observed theories

How does a dentist earn his bread and butter? He depends on people not taking care of their teeth and then having to treating them. (No sir, he doesn't have a secondary motive of scaring the living daylights out of you!)
How does a medical practitioner earn his livelihood? Because of every sucker who got fooled into that stale Vada Paav (A.K.A. The Indian Burger).

Should I then really be comfortable when a dentist endorses a toothpaste brand on TV? When they say,"9 out of 10 dentists recommend this!", isn't the 10th one the smartest? Are these 9 tired of their dental practice?
Do they all meet up at a cocktail party and go,"You know what would be cool? Lets endorse a product,  using which people will not have the need to pay for our services. We could all then go in search for the Chamber of Secrets!"

Hell! I made them sound high, didn't I? But that is how the logic seems like to me!

Either they don't want to earn money anymore (because it is getting too mainstream these days!)
Or They are being paid more to endorse the product than they would ordinarily earn. (Like hell that's going to happen!)
Or the entire product and its marketing is a lie. (SSSSHHHHHH!!!You didn't hear that from me..)

The consumer is taken for a ride these days. Take even the stock market broadcast shows. A person who is really good at understanding the stock market can make millions on the market in a day! Why would he want to waste his time telling you about the market at the rate of peanuts he is paid by the channel?

We the consumer is very gullible to an ad like this..

Always remember that..

 But the biggest idiot in the process is the guy who actually bought it because of that ad.. In conclusion, my point quite simply put is
"An Expert could simply be a con man in disguise"
On that I shall bid thee adieu.
Yours Truly, 

The Good Guys And The Bad Guys (Part 2)

Greetings Dear Readers,

I have finally made this blog public but I'm going to keep the same style of expression. But I would welcome feedback,suggestions and ideas. Since many of my new found readers liked the first part I've decided to write a sequel. Hope it lives up to the first!

I originally planned for TGGATBGs to be about Perspective. That was the originally planned title but I changed it just prior to publication. This sequel is more in that vein.

I bet I'm probably the only guy who has read The Chronicles of Narnia books. All 7 (Yes there are 7!) of them and they have had a profound effect on my way of thinking. Especially a scene from the last book, "The Last Battle" (The movies really killed this series...) is a real master piece and in my opinion the character of Aslan (Yes, the Lion who talks) is based on Jesus Christ. (Not a very long shot since the author C.S. Lewis was renowned for his War-time radio broadcasts on Christianity)

There is this one line he says that really got me thinking. its essence was...
"Even though you worship that hideous Idol in your temple, If you do it with pure devotion, your devotion is ultimately to me"
This line makes you wonder if religion is a lie. Is it a scam? Or is there really one true way to God? I will leave that for you to decide. (I personally am a staunch monotheist and believe there is one God) But Religion is an ideal way to demonstrate perspective.

The Crusades of Medieval times, was Perspective at its worst. You see, Jerusalem (Over which most of the issue was in the first place) was a strategic strong point that just happened to be a religious center as well. So  any politically motivated move to take Jerusalem could have easily been transformed into a religious Casus Belli. So the religious head, the Pope threatened to disown Catholics if they didn't join "The Holy War".

The reaction of the average Catholic,"Hey if the Holy Father is so serious about this, it must be worth all the bloodshed involved!" Well, weren't you wrong! The Crusades screwed over Europe and nearly wiped out a couple of generations.

This is a classic example of our herd mentality. We Do not WANT to rationally justify. We find it easier(and in fact it is easier) to follow the guy who makes the best articulated speech. The guy who looks the best. The guy who represents the best you can become. Unfortunately in Post WWI Germany, that guy was a stud named Adolf Hitler.

So we are the reasons for the wars? We are the ones who get the Hitlers of the world into power. We start the mess. This picture denotes our power perfectly!
So the view I'm trying to put for with this one is plain and simple
"Are you voting a Hitler-in-the-making to power?"

That's where I will leave it. Till next time, Hasta la Vista!

Yours Truly,